Jamey Boiter has been BOLTGROUPS’s brand principal for over 25 years. During that time, Jamey has led award-winning strategic brand development and design experience programs with world-class brands such as Kobalt Tools, Coca-Cola, Kraft, Izod, and many more.

He touches on how he got started, how the pandemic has affected his work, and shares a fun fact that others probably don’t know about him.

Spiracle Media is a video content agency built to tell stories. Since 2011, we have been telling stories that support the voice of our partners by using our journalistic background.

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Please take some time to tell us about your latest project or partnership that we can help you with. You can also call us at 1-844-774-7225. If this is a job inquiry, please send an email directly to olivia@spiraclebuzz.com.