Private Education & Video: A Perfect Match [VIDEO]

Spiracle Media has worked on a diverse group of projects over the last several years. During that span, we decided against pursuing a specific vertical with our video storytelling; that doesn’t mean that certain verticals haven’t identified us. One such scenario is the extensive work that we’ve done and continue to do in the education space. These clients are starting to understand the significant role that video storytelling plays within their marketing efforts. Here are four key areas that schools are focusing on:


Programs are essential to any educational offering and experience. This is certainly the case at the college and university level. Programs attract potential students and parents. Video can be used to educate the potential consumer on what makes a program unique and its efficacy in terms of future employment. Real stories of success drive this point home.


The lifeblood of all private education is fundraising. Without it, opportunities are scarce or limited. Money funds scholarship opportunities, programs and expansion. Events are key in promoting each of these needs and video is the best way to connect with a captured audience of donors. We have seen great success in this area with video translating into dollars.

Student Life

Student life is a big factor when choosing a school. Parents want to see what opportunities are available both inside and outside the classroom. Institutional experience influences quality of life as individuals seek a sense of fulfillment. Sharing a story about service opportunities, clubs and the connections between piers can provide strong visual emphasis of your offering.


Why do you exist? When it comes down to it, students are deciding whether or not to opt into being a part of a brand. A brand might be defined by cultivating future nurses, engineers or athletes. Is that message reaching prospective students with clarity and emotion? Schools hold differentiators near and dear to their heart. Video provides an opportunity to capture the essence of your brand like never before.

Spiracle Media has worked with advancement offices, marketing departments and admission teams to help capture a message that resonates with consumers and donors. These videos have been used in a variety of settings and disseminated across multiple platforms. There’s no substitute for powerful video!




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